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Kasım, 2018 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

Analysis of the short story "The Tell-Tale Heart" by Edgar Ellan Poe

PHOTO CREDIT: 1. Plot Structure: Triangular Exposition We are introduced to a nameless man and he tell about an old man. We learn that the old man is kind of master of the nameless man. This old man also has a weird-looking eye which is called as "vulture eye" by our storyteller and we obviously see that he somehow finds this eye disgusting and hateful. Rising Action : The nameless storyteller is obsessed with this vulture eye and he finally decides to remove it. To do this, he plans the kill the old man even though he accepts that the old  man is always kind to him and there is no reason to kill it. Except for the vulture eye... He visits the old man's room everynigt to find an opportunity to kill him and keeps watching him sleeping. Climax: The man kills the old man. Ending: His heart continue anymore, he cannot control himself and reveals the truth to the policemen. 2. Conflict: Logic vs desire / ...