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An Analysis on The Scarlet Ibis by James Hurst


The short story “The Scarlet Ibis” tells about a boy’s memories of his younger brother. The younger brother, Doodle, is crippled and the elder brother tries to teach him some skills such as walking and running. Thus, the major characters in the story are Doodle and his elder brother and their parents are the minor characters. The mama and the daddy are flat characters and we only know that they are caring and sensitive. However, both Doodle and the elder brother are round, dynamic and complex characters and they are also quite different from each other in terms of their characteristic features.
We are not given much information about the physical appearances of the two brothers except for Doodle’s shriveled and skinny body. However, we are provided information about their characteristic properties. Doodle can be generally defined as a boy who is lack of self- confidence, coward and emotional. At the beginning of the story, we are informed that he is a crippled child and has some problems with some basic motor skills. As the story goes on, we learn that he is an emotional child as he cries with happiness when his brother brings him to Old Woman Swamp. When they are outside together, Doodle clungs to his brother and cries as “Don’t leave me Brother! Don’t leave me!”. Here, I can infer that Doodle is a coward child. He is even afraid of being hurt by his brother because he says “Don’t hurt me Brother!” when he falls down while his brother is training him to walk. Moreover, throughout their training, Doodle’s attitudes show us that he is lack of self-confidence. He does not believe that he can walk. He needs encouragement from his elder brother in order to continue trying. The last trait of him is that he does not care about being different from other people and being admired by others. When his brother tries to encourage him by telling him that he will be different from anybody else when he starts school, Doodle shows ignorance to such a thing by asking “Does that make any difference?”.
When we look at the elder brother’s characteristic properties, we see many contrasts to the properties of Doodle. He is nearly the opposite of his younger brother. According to me, his most striking property is his passion to success and being admired by other people. At the very beginning, as the narrator of the story, he indicates that he has a kind of cruelty in him by telling “There is inside me a knot of cruelty borne by the stream of love.” Towards the end he tells that ‘the streak of cruelty within him’ awakens when Doodle fails. He also confesses that he wants to teach Doodle how to walk not because he loves Doodle but because he is ashamed of having a crippled brother. He states that “I was embarrassed at having a brother of that age who couldn’t walk, so I set out to teach him.”. He teaches him walking also because he will not have to carry him anymore if Doodle can walk.  To me, this also shows that he tries to find a solution to the problems which disturb him. What I mean is that he tries to do something about his problems rather than expecting other people to do something or just complaining about them. He is very self-confident and gains even more confidence as Doodle makes progress in the trainings. He tries to encourage Doodle and makes effort to teach him. He is very hopeful and believes in Doodle in that he can walk and run. However, this is actually his belief to himself. He is passionate about being successful. When Doodle manages to walk thanks to his trainings, their parents become very happy and hug him by admiration. Even though he knows that he did not do it for the sake of his brother but because he is ashamed of his brother, this event makes him more confident and he wants to do more. He thinks that he will stand out and will be admired if he teaches incredible things to a rippled boy so he wants to teach more to Doodle. He puts more and more pressure on Doodle and he causes him to die at the end. In a way, he casts his own passion, ability and his motivation over Doodle. He kind of uses another one to fulfill his desire of success and pride. When Doodle fails at the end, he accepts Doodle cannot do it. In fact, this is his failure, not Doodle’s and he knows it very well. Considering all these information, I can define the elder brother as an oppressive, success oriented, motivated and diligent person.

To conclude, the mama and the daddy about whom we know very limited information are the minor characters of the story. Doodle and his elder brother are the major characters whose minds we have access and about whom we know several things.


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