My metaphor for school is “a ship”, for teacher is “the captain” and for
students is “the crew”. In one and general aspect, the teachers train the
students in the schools. They improve and maybe create the students’
characters. According to me, however, the relationship between the school, the
teacher and the students cannot be limited with this dimension. I believe that
the students are not only the materials to be shaped by the shapers. To my
opinion, the students also contribute to their teachers and even to the school
they study in. In the school, the students try to develop themselves, the
teachers try to train and help the students develop themselves and the school
creates the environment for this. The teachers and the students cooperate for
an aim such as creating a better future and like that. Without students,
teachers have nothing to do and without a teacher, students cannot do well. I
associate this system with a ship. According for a ship to go on its way, it
both needs a captain and the crew. A ship has a target to reach, so does education,
it has a captain and crew collaborating to reach the target like teachers and
students. Thus, my metaphor mainly focuses on the synergy between the students
and the teacher.
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS OF THE SHORT STORY “ PARSON’S PLEASURE ” BY ROALD DAHL 1. Plot Structure a. Exposition In the exposition part, we are introduced to Mr. Boggis. We learn that he is a swindler as a dealer in antique furniture. We are told how he began this career. After buying an antique chair in a village, he decides to visit the other houses around. He disguises himself in clergy-man clothes and continues visiting houses and buying antique furniture by paying less than their value. We also learn some characteristic features of him such as being a convincing person and having an understanding of human psychology. b. Rising Action On Sunday, he is on his regular visits around with his map and he is in the county of Buckinghamshire. He visits a house in which a gigantic woman resides. He sees nothing valuable in the house and leaves. c. Turning Point He knocks on the door of a house and nobody opens the door. While he is having a look around, he sees a very...
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